Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good: Bake Shop. Today after our refacción (snack), about seven of us students and our maestros took a field trip to the bakery called Bake Shop, which is located near La Democracia. Apparently they are only open two days a week because the shop is run by Mennonites, and their religion prohibits them from earning too much money. Since the place was packed, I can understand. I ate one of their "donas" (donuts), with chocolate and pudding (basically a Boston Creme), and it was awesome. I also got some cookies to munch later, because there is no dessert at Antonieta's house.

The Bad and The Ugly: (Gotta keep with the theme of my post, right?) My sunburn!! On Sunday morning I wore a tank top to go running up at track at the Completo Deportivo, but I neglected to wear sunscreen because a) it wasn't hot out, and b) we were only going to be out in the sun for an hour or so. BIG MISTAKE. Turns out I got one of the worst sunburns of my life, complete with blistery bubbles on my shoulders and stark red-white tank top border lines. It's really sexy and amazing (especially when I roll onto my shoulder while in bed). It's fading, but we are headed back out into the sun again on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, maybe Sunday...... so I really hope it heals up some more in the next two days. I really should have taken into account the altitude and our proximity to the equator and put on some damn sunscreen, but I will never make the same mistake again.

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